Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Music in our life

Music is something very close to our lives. Everyone feels happy when we listen the music. When we feel bored or bad mood, music can restore our  mood. Apparently music is also proven effect on reducing feelings of depression. Music has a therapeutic and healing property. Without music the world quiet, empty and monotonous as the music can relax the heart and stimulates the human mind as the actor's life story. Music does not just provide entertainment effect, but was able to give meaning to excite and empower the spirit and meaning of life to live.

According to Campbel, Music produces rhythmic stimuli that were captured and processed by the hearing organ in the body's nervous system and glands of the brain reorganize the interpretation of the internal rhythms of sound into the audience. These internal rhythms affect human metabolism so that the process is going better. Better metabolism will result in the body can build a better system immune, and with a better immune system body becomes more resilient against possible infections.

There are many excelences of music in our life. For example music for communication media, music as a politic tool, music for therapy our body, and music for education tool. These are some explanations about that.

Music for communication media

According to Hidayati, music is useful as a tool and medium of communication between people because the music is a universal language that can integrate diversity, peace and human solidarity. History often records the role and benefits of music as a means of interaction and communication media that can be understandable to everyone, even if we do not understand the language of each nation. In real life any day-to-day, music is often a means of communication with those we love, representing the feelings of the heart, an expression of longing and even anger. For example Radio,radio is considered as a medium that is able to broadcast information that is very satisfying even though only equipped with audio elements. Radio broadcasts can run it in the form of news, interviews, editorials air, direct reporting, talk shows and others.

Music for politic Tool

In the era of freedom, the Indonesian government was not immune to utilize music as a tool. Starting from the entry of rock n roll to Indonesia, President Soekarno proclaimed lenso rhythm as the music that fit with the culture of the nation supported by Jack Lesmana, Titik Puspa, Lilis Syriac, and Bing Slamet. Following the statement that the personnel Bung Karno Koes Bersaudara were arrested because they play the music of western culture. Therefore music is very respected in Indonesian culture.

Music for therapy our body

Music can also give us therapy in our body to improve and maintain physical health, improve mental,emotional and spiritual health. According to research,music therapy consists of two main elements which therapy elements and musical elements. Elements of music therapy that includes skills for therapy, establish therapeutic relationships with clients, which have a structure and activities recommended by the team caring for the client to achieve specific goals and objectives for the client. Elements of music as the main tool that includes rhythm, melody, and harmony. Music therapy can be done in various ways, such as singing, creating songs, playing musical instruments, improvisation, discussing the lyrics and listening to music.

Music for Education Media

In this part music is used as a education in our life. We often heard any child are singing in their school or in home. For example they sing “Balonku ada lima”, it means that they can know what kinds of colour and they also can count numbers. Frankly Sahilatua argues that music not only to entertain people but also as a media of communication to educate the community for the countries development. Music also make us to creative change rubbish become things that useful. For example we can make bottle that isn’t used become a music tool.

In conclusion, Music have many advantages in our life such as music for communication media, music as a politic tool, music for therapy our body, and music for education tool. Beside that there are still many exelences of Music. So’ lets listen music everyday in your life. Make your life full colour with music.Ok...!!. ^_*